Frens i dun feel so great

1  2019-01-15 by struggling2life


nanTemporary me neither

Injected marijuana?

Don't do drugs frens.

No do drugs fren

Non fren

Degenerates shall be punished.

Coffee is a drug derp

Then don't use them.

Okay keep posting anti-semitic memes I'm sure this retarded sub loves you for them

"Non-fren" btw

You seem troubled.


You're doing God's work Fren.

Just keep reporting them, brother.

Hulk Hogan Brother

Did i say do meth no i said no some drugs because you would be doing them anyway as in drinking alcohol or coffee are you kidding me

Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

me too fren

same here, couldn't sleep last night with a fever and high temperature. ran a hot bath at 4am. sat in it until the water went cold listening to bee gees and a-ha on the radio. 2pm now and just did the same thing again. sitting in bed with a sweatshirt on, towel around my waist and wet hair.

Hop u get betters soon fren

get well fren

We are here for u fren, it's all good.

Mr. Pepe I don't feel so good.


Stay vigilant fren.

try stickin ur tongue out u might catch a fly and feel better fren... hope this helps , all the best - frog jonson


me too fren. i threw up twice today and can’t sleep because of stomach pains. i hope you get better fren


Don't do drugs frens.