Day 1, frens

1  2019-01-13 by shacklefordcommarus


Hang in there fren! Everyone has to start somewhere!

Day 1 of NoBrap, or something else?

The back squat is literally pffftttt the only exercise in the entire repertoire of weighted human movement that allows the direct training of tee sorry anon:) the complex movement pattern known as hip drive. The posterior (lol butts) chain is a term that refers to brrrrrrpppp the muscles that produce hip gurgle....oh no, I knew i shouldn't have eaten all that Taco bell :( extension-straightening-out of the burp....oh excuse me anon, how unladylike of me hip joint from its flexed (or bent) position face turns white....oh no i think i just shit my pants a don't mind, do you anon? in the bottom of the squat. The muscles that accomplish hip extension are the oh my, that is quite smelly! my word, what an erotic olfactory delight the good lord hath bestowed upon us on this glorious morn! hamstrings, the glutes, and the adductors or groin (lol) muscles, and together OH NO! I forgot to refill my IBS medication! but i know you'll unclog the toilet for me, right anon? tee hee these are referred to as the posterior chain. The initial movement up out of the bottom of oh no, there's no turning back now brrrrpp a full squat is hip drive, and is best thought burp of as a shoving-up of the sacral PFFFTTTT starts gagging from smell area of the lower back, the area right above your butt (haha butt). This is the hardest BRRRAAAAAAPAAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAAP BRRRRAAAAAPA PSSSSSHHSSHSHSHHHSHS SPLOP PLOP PLOP PSSSSSHSHHHH SSSSPPLLLLUUUURRRTTTFFFFFF BAAAZZZZZZINNNNNGGGAAAAAAAAAA thing to teach in my preferred method of squatting, and by far the most important. Oh dear, what a mess I've made. Well, eat up!

Why did I read that whole thing


Good luck, fren


new week, get in there fren

do something a little different to start it, idk

Good luck

Monday is day 1, this pepe meme is how i feel every monday :(

It's not a pepe.

Day 1 of what fren?