I'm meditating frens, you shud try too

1  2019-01-12 by x0rp



not OP, but I used to meditate a lot fren. There are many techniques but what I did was simple.

Start with creating a comfy place for you to sit cross-legged. Open the windows before you meditate to have fresh air inside and if you want to (highly recommend it) you can have some incense. To meditate you basically just sit and observe something stable like an apple. I recommend the lights to be dim.

Also you shouldn't be disturbed so turn off your pc and mobile phone. I recommend 5-10 minutes as a beginning. Have fun!

https://samharris.org/how-to-meditate/ ive ben following this guiuse tutorial on meditation for something like 3 months fren. And i don't normally find le mr. euphoric atheist's ideas very groundbreaking but this practice that he seems to have resurfaced & somewhat modified seems to be - at least for me personally - lowkey life-changing fren.

Hi fren, I'll copy my post to another fren.

First, get comfy, sitting, reclining, laying down, whatever you like.

Second, close your eyes and breathe long breaths. Focus your mind on the feeling of cool air flowing past your nose hairs through your nose and down the back of your throat and the feeling of your lungs and belly swelling with cool air and again when warm air flows out.

Third, your mind will wander. It will think of frenly thoughts, how you're happy you're meditating, how the day went, how you are a good person. Register those thoughts and return to focus on the feeling of your body breathing.

I hope I helped, fren!

Hi fren, I'll copy my post to another fren.

First, get comfy, sitting, reclining, laying down, whatever you like.

Second, close your eyes and breathe long breaths. Focus your mind on the feeling of cool air flowing past your nose hairs through your nose and down the back of your throat and the feeling of your lungs and belly swelling with cool air and again when warm air flows out.

Third, your mind will wander. It will think of frenly thoughts, how you're happy you're meditating, how the day went, how you are a good person. Register those thoughts and return to focus on the feeling of your body breathing.

I hope I helped, fren!

Show us the way fren

Hi fren, not OP but I meditate every day since I was a little fren.

First, get comfy, sitting, reclining, laying down, whatever you like.

Second, close your eyes and breathe long breaths. Focus your mind on the feeling of cool air flowing past your nose hairs through your nose and down the back of your throat and the feeling of your lungs and belly swelling with cool air and again when warm air flows out.

Third, your mind will wander. It will think of frenly thoughts, how you're happy you're meditating, how the day went, how you are a good person. Register those thoughts and return to focus on the feeling of your body breathing.

I hope I helped, fren!

thanks fren. I will try meditation today

Thanks for the advice fren! Will definitely try it.


You just mmmmmmmm^

Scientifically proven to improve your health. Nothing magical about it.

Reported non fren please mods

What are you talking about?

It is proven science isnt real please

Research HRV, heart rate variability.

Did you draw this apu apustaja yourself fren? if so you've done a terrific job & i want to thank you for it, I had previously looked online for a mediating apu for many minutes but hadn't gotten anywhere with my researches! 😤(smh)

I didn’t draw this masterpiece fren, another fren did!

this image.. we must push this to the reddit front page..

Do I also get lens flare if I do it, fren?

Hope the bad feelies go away fren.