Spooky lettuce taste good

1  2019-01-08 by asstastics11


The (((nonfrens))) are happy

what does weed do that’s so bad for u

If used constantly, and not used as a reward for hard work or at the end of a good day then use can get out of hand fren. It can reduce motivation to do important things fren.

In my frenly opinion I think it’s just nice to enjoy it with other frens every now and then :)

Use plenty of Visine fren!

Only once in a blue moon fren.

Be careful fren, this stuff can sap you of your energy and ambition

Just make sure it’s used as a reward and not an excuse for laziness fren! I’ve been enjoying the lettuce for a decade now but only when I kick back at the end of a very long day. Enjoy!


This fren is smoking the devils lettuce!

It grows in de ert

Extreme nonfren behavior. 7 day ban issued.