Frens I’m not feeling so good. My mental health is very bad and I don’t know what to do can my frens help me?

1  2019-01-07 by Lig_My_Fards


I’m being serious btw

Do you live in a house with a backyard?

1.Ofc fren, that's what friends are for, but as some guy said, if you do not wish to fight in this world of endless struggle, you don't deserve to live

2. CUT DOPAMINE. EVERY FORM. Masturbation, porn, sex, TV shows, music, internet, anime, movies, sweet food, fast food, getting into quarells with others. This will literally make you feel 4 times better. If you fall into a crisis, go read a book. Not some bullshit fantasy/science fiction, but something like Dostoyevsky or Leo Tolstoy(something somewhat boring, but tolerable)

Research the works of u/abdada on Reddit. His main two subreddits are r/yellowpill-- and r/abdada. He came up with something called Low Reward Living and it's literally the greatest thing ever, really underrated and unknown. He was somewhat popular in the TRP sub some years ago, but most guys don't even comprehend how genius his work is, and aren't ready to put in the work

3. Research Buteyko breathing. You're breathing literally affects your mind and emotional states. Like everything worth it in life, it takes effort and will, but the rewards are big. Go to r/Buteyko and normal

There's a lot to take in, but I'm somewhat knowledgeable and helped people learn and use it successfully, if you decide to do it, I can instruct/mentor you free of charge

4. If you catch yourself thinking unhealthy thoughts, literally stop

5. Read "Healing Back Pain" by Sarno. He is a doctor from the US and explains how in many cases, a lot of ailments are mind driven, like backpain, and we can minimize them through conscious decisions/action.

6. STOP LOOKING AT POLITICS AND THE STATE OF THE WORLD TODAY. It's all one giant blackpoll. You're not in the mental state to handle this info. God needs you physically and mentally strong and healthy for trials to come

7. Join a Christian Church near you, go regularly every week. Imo the Orthodox churches have the most beautiful rites, but if there isn't one, others will do. Faith and devotion to God of great help on your journey.

Good luck, frendo

But don't go to the catholic churches fren. You might get fombled :(

Trust me fren, your mental health probably isn't as bad as you think. It may sound cliché, but getting out more (taking hikes, camping) or going to the gym can really help. Good look fren I'll be praying for u.

Fwend plaase git off the intornet for a whele fin a wae 2 spend yur tim that wil all so bettur ur see-tu-ation I belvile in yu eet herd buht stae shober 2 et help mi lot ooohk?

Whats wrong friend?

join a workout group (e.g. crossfit / boot camps) if you have enuff money. Working hard with other people to better yourself is magic.