[Serious] if any frens know of a clone sammy subreddit pls DM me. Miss my million dollar frens. Thank.

1  2019-01-07 by satanicpriest13


No idea what this is about, but it doesn't seem frenly.

Warning #1 for you, /u/satanicpriest13

me also frens :(

sssh frens! The nonfrens are watching...

I think all our frens are on voat for now but don't worry they'll be back

Last time I dm’d someone Sammy subs I, and all the subs, got banned

Be carful frens

subscribe to /r/againsthatesubreddits. They'll be sure to let you know.

I'm unironically subscribed to AHS to know when an epic new subreddit opens up.

Sowwy fren, but too many nonfrens are interested in knowing too :/

Have to pretend to be nonfren if you want million dollar fren clubs to stay open, too many taggers following known frens. Burner accounts only!

r/subofpeace it’s quarantined so you have to access it on desktop first, and I’ll send you another one

We're not an MDE subreddit you donkey.

send me the other one please

Why do nonfrens keep taking away our homes? I can't find any of my frens anymore :(

It's a regular Night of the Long Croaks out here.


Not you again...