hey frens. I'm home alone and I'm scared. I am almost a grown up frens, it's childish of me to be scared, but I can't help it fren. The house is so dark and quiet. I hope no one comes fren

1  2018-12-27 by Ullopaa


What is your address fren, I'll check in on you.

thank you very much fren. I will give you my adress fren

UPDATE: frens i heard a sound outside my room

It's just me, fren.

fren it's been quiet for a while now, where are you fren?

is jus the frenly mous that watchs ovr u from the vents fren. he protecc you wen u slepp

Not the rape dwarf

No retard speak.

Be safe fren! I'm prading for you to be ok!

Thank you very much fren, I am okay now. it's the ext day, so its not dark anymore fren

I hope a fren comes

Thank you very much fren

u/CptPricesStache came and we had a good time, so dw fren

We are here for you fren

Be careful, everyone knows the combination of a tall jewish man and a short italian goblin are the peak of criminality in the US today.

Very powerful and truthful statement fren.

All memes aside, the only thing that is hurting you is crippling loneliness, fren. Make some frens or call your family. Hell, you can even call me.

Hey fren it’s been awhile since your last update. Are you okay fren?

Thank you very much for your concern fren. I am fine now, i am not alone anymore fren

That is good fren. I was worried something happened to fren. It made me sad. But fren is okay so I’m happy