Frens, the big sad isn’t going away. What do ?

1  2018-12-22 by 0jun3


what variety of sad is it, fren?

I’m not sure fren but it sure doesn’t feel good

I’m sorry fren, your frens are here for you

Go camping fren

Don’t forget the basics, fren: eat, sleep, shower/clean yourself.

If you have time, go for a walk. Anywhere. No matter, fren.

I promise this help, fren. Good luck!

Thank you, fren. I’ll try my best

No problemo, fren. Remember you are the first with the big sad and not alone. There are ways to fight and beat the big sad! Frens are vital in dis.

Fren, twlk to your loved ones. It will help a lot fren

Stop using reddit for a while, fren. Get some fresh air.

Good luck fren. The big sad is rough. Hard exercise usually helps me, at least for a time.

Just wait a couple days fren, it'll all be over.

Invite family over. It’s the holidays, a time not just for frens, but for family. Spend time with them over Christmas/Hanukkah/Etc. Maybe that’ll help the big sad become the big joy

We are here for you fren. Forever and always.
