Its time to confes your sins fren

1  2018-12-18 by maxedhunter


I once kill frog when I seven. I regret. Me bought as pet but forget feeding. Now am kind to frogs. Forgive me God.

Now pray for forgiveness for that rarepupper speak

No retards allowed in this sub buddy

I once jerked off so much that I had a brush burn rash all over my peepee. I heard you could put your fingerd back there and it would feel the same. I shit all over the floor, and it did not feel the same.

Don't let long nose tribe trick you into believing that. Sorry you learned the hard way. Pls go wash your hands really good fren.

In my math class today a 10/10 qt3.14 was wearing a skirt. She spread her legs for like half the period and I saw her panties. First time I’d been that intimate with a gril. I was staring the whole time, even when she crossed her legs or put them together.

Yer going to hell fren. Might as well look next time too.

I’ve done the same thing before fren

Take pic

I had sex with my wife before we got married. Am I going to get bopped in hell?

You’ll need at least 3 green kids to make up for it.


I 've got 4, what does that get me?

Heaven my friend.

What does 5 get me?

That,my friend gets you OVER HEAVEN




I bopped 6 gorillion nosefrens

He said confess sins fren not accomplishments.

I just wanna brag fren

I was once a non fren. But i have since repented and am now a very frenly fren.

i once didn’t turn in my math homework

The worst thing I’ve ever done was I once mixed a pot of fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa -- and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. I never felt so bad in my entire life.

Thanks Chunk

Fake: you talked in public Gay: your puke had semen in it

Fess up!

I used rarepupper speak.

You're damned for all time

I hide my depression everyday

Honestly you shouldn’t fren. People these days are starting to accept and be more helpful,

Regular exercise is the most effective anti-depressant

I grief ppl in RDR online because there's nothing else to do and it's an auto aim fest

Frens confuse me for a girl sometime and I kinda like it

Lest become trans, fren.

No! I'm 5'3 and 100 pounds though

Forgive me fren, I fornicated with a nonfren woman

I felt shame and malice towards my own Fren race because Frens are portrayed as horrible in the movies. Then I figured it all out.

I enjoy watching Over the Garden Wall, is this a sin Mr pastor friend sir

Now pray for forgiveness for that rarepupper speak

No retards allowed in this sub buddy

I 've got 4, what does that get me?

Thanks Chunk

Fake: you talked in public Gay: your puke had semen in it

He said confess sins fren not accomplishments.

I just wanna brag fren