One of my favorite subs is dying. Frens getting bopped left and right. FeelsSadMan

1  2018-12-15 by MyMEMESgotBANNED


Which sub you mean fren?

Yeah, would like to know, too.

It's a sub dedicated to a IRL livestreamer and is under quarantine. I don't want to advertise it frens.

I gotcha dude, although you can PM if you want fren. Im subbed to a couple quarantined subs so I feel you about trying to protect it. All my favorite subs get bopped.

Fren we have the lovely accepting community /r/ipcj all are welcome oldfrens and new


yes, fren.

iceposeidon is bad influence fren

You aren't wrong fren.

What have I become, my sweetest fren?

Every sub I'm on just gets bopped in the end.

Reddit has an all male user base and they can’t figure out why they keep reinventing new ways to troll. They need a boppin