Frens i will protect us from getting bopped.

1  2018-12-13 by Eternal_Flames


Thank you fren.

Nice anti-bop helmet fren

So now that my people have been removed, can I become a full time fren? I’ve been here for awhile

You will have to bring it up with the frenstag /u/real_andrewjackson

Thank you for the heads up fren, the matter has been dealt with and we found a new fren!

Awe heck, this make me proud to be a Fren. Sleeping well at night? Thank a special-bops fren.

Definitely special


Thenk you for service Fren, the Frenschirmäger look forward to working with you!

Fren remember your chainsaw and ss america attachments

thank you fren

Thank you for the heads up fren, the matter has been dealt with and we found a new fren!