Hey frens

1  2018-12-11 by tysonmoorewood

It has come to the attention of this old fren that you guys may need some advice or even just some ole fashioned affirmation. I made it and I would be happy to help hung frens make it. It just takes a lot of work and a lot of optimism. PM me if you’re having a hard time fren. I’ll doo my best to improve your life!


Thank you for supporting the community fren.

Frens work better in a smol, hi trust fren space.

Fren I’m having second thoughts about college. I hate it here with all the Jews and liberals, this place just doesn’t fit me, and never will. But I’ve already spent soooo much money and many years working towards my doctorate. Like I know you shouldn’t quit when you’re about to get to the finish line, but that’s exactly what I feel like doing ☹️


I’m doing fine but thank you anyway fren just the offer to help anyone including me brightened up my day.
