SchutzFrens Recruitment

1  2018-12-10 by Real_AndrewJackson

The SchutzFrens are recruiting! You could be part of the glorious future of frenworld, all you need to do is make a top level comment! Additionally, your history will be audited to ensure your dedication to the original ideals of frenworld and to ensure you are frenly. If selected, you will be looked upon to maintain order in frenworld and report nonfrens for deportation or appropriate registration. Yes, you personally. You will take it upon yourself to police frenworld with greater intensity than your fellows and will be expected to fulfill this position. In return, you get a schutzfren tag and the chance to serve with yours truly, the schutzfren oberstgruppenfren.


u/john_cenas_beard request sticky

Tausendjähriges FrenReich!


Frenler approves

I have no greater desire than to purge frenworld of the nonfrens and to secure a future for fren children

I can think of at least 88 reasons why this makes sense.

I can think of at least 88 reasons why this makes sense even more.

How about 14 reasons

You mean the word count in my last sentence?

Show π π

I don't know who is in this sub. I hear people say its a Neo sub and I highly doubt it but I heard others day that people from Neo subs came here and its all too confusing.

Can someone tell me if I found a frenly sub or if it is a neo or whatever sub. If I don't like it I'll self-bop but I would like to stay. If you want you could audit me too.

You found a place for frens.

Ok thanks.

/unfren, We're just edgelords retard now stfu and get back to frenposting. /fren

It's supposed to be a frenly sub, but the pepe association has started to attract neos

That's what I thought

you mean smugfrog

also pepe isn't a nazi meme that is literally a mass NPC broadcast that got programmed into normies :)

I know he isn't actually pepe, and that the association was an antimeme. But since then actual far right folk have taken up the banner unironically.

damn i guess im a libtard now

Frenworld was founded by MDE refugees who were cruelly driven from their homeland by nonfrens.

Shut up retard

I feel as though you dont know who started this community.

Are you saying it was in fact started by neos?

It was started by frens

Well, that's what I thought

...u what? do you know why or when this sub was founded?? you a silly nigga, get bopped like a wheelie nigga

A neo sub? No we're not neoconservatives or neoliberals here.

Frens swear allegiance to the old ways.

Heard some say it was a neo Nazi sub

Fake news! The nonfrens lie!

This sub was founded as a safe space for MDE refugees who were driven from their homeland.


I solemnly swear my eternal dedication to keep frenworld frenly, bop all nonfrens and serve Mr. Frenler with my heart and soul! I come from a long bloodline of purebred frens and want to make frenworld a better place!

Join our fren ranks

me pliz

"The Non-Fren is immunized against all dangers, one may call him a Scoundrel, Subversive, Long Nosed, it all slides of him like water off of a raincoat. But call him a Non-Fren and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back; iv'e been found out!"

Blood, iron, and frens!



Submission to Frenlaw is the Only Freedom!

What are the original ideals of frenworld?

You might not be ready to know the truth.

Can I get one pleassssee

I have a fat cock.

Can I be part of the police force now 😝


If I am not chosen for such a fren honor can I at least help throw nonfrens over the wall?



Bop these nonfrens like a wheelie fren, you a silly fren
In the frensnostate with them Zany frens, and them Kooky frens
You run up and they boopin nonfrens, we ain't hoopin nonfren
88, you a stinky nonfren, in the clinky nonfren
On the sub, spaghetti in my draws, memes on my phone
She wanna hug so I give her a hug, I only love my frens
Nonfrens think we should be deplored, Don't let em in the door
I like my frens, I'm playin with my friends, frens will always rise again
In the sub, meetin frens around the clock, the nonfrens gettin bopped

hop u like my song frens

It's a nice song fren

Thank u fren. bear in mind that if i ever deport a nonfren i will pee in their butt

fren is black his name is frenigga

My honour is loyalty (and frenship) where so I sine?

Appoint a special persecutor to go after the frensident

How is this sub still here? /mdememes is gone

We are frens, and frens cannot be vanquished as long as we are frenly. Get it?

The nonfrens will have their lying mouths shut for them.

I'm so happy I found an entire world of frens

We must secure existence of our frens and a future for fren children

My greatest desire is to stand arm in arm with my frens in this time of persecution.

I will not be shamed, bullied, intimidated or beguiled.

I love my frens as I love my countrymen. It is my greatest hope that when I face my time of need I may rely on my frens, as I welcome my frens to rely on me in theirs.

hello i am here for the frens


I can think of at least 88 reasons why this makes sense even more.