sometimes i remember libtards use this sub, frens..

1  2018-12-10 by FoxDieEeE


Should we report them to non fren state police?

Non frens in high places wouldn’t allow it.

Yes. If they are not removed entirely, they will be tagged accordingly. The Schutzfrens keep the watch.

Report all you suspect to be nonfrens.

The Task Force will investigate and act, if required.

We're on the lookout.

Our day will come again soon fren

Tausendjähriges FrenReich!

The Schutzfrens keep watch, fren

Boop the nonfrens.

Get Pinochetfren. He wil get helichopter to deal with libtards.

People with differing political views can still be frens.

We can have lib frens just not libtard frens. Some frens are mislead, some nonfrens mislead

It’s ok if you don’t wanna be frens anymore I understand 😪 my dad says the same to me all day and night :(

not frenly

But those frens aren't frenly towards us. We're in war for a reason fren.

Be the better frens! They won't get frenlier from posts like this

I won't buy your lies registered nonfren⚠