"Ask not what your frens can do for you, but what you can do for your frens"

1  2018-12-10 by DerpingToast


We do not do these things, frens, because they are easy, but because they are difficult.



True words, fren.

It is not the Non-Frenliness itself which is horrifying about our times – it is the way we not only tolerate Non-Frenliness, but have made a cult of positively worshipping weakness, depravity, rottenness and Non-Frenliness itself.

We are in a culturally transformative time. Our children are being force fed propaganda in the classroom. We are a generation away from degeneracy being the norm. The NonFrens are insidious and are busy rewriting our glorious history as we speak, making frens ashamed to be themselves. There is no time left Frens, the boot is on our collective necks. What each of us do now will determine the existence of our people and a future for our children.

God bless Frenworld and God bless my Frens.