Reminder that we can't deport nonfrens unless YOU report them.

1  2018-12-09 by John_Cenas_Beard

We're building a wall and the beanfren is paying for it. But our brave anti-nonfren patrol agents can't do the job without your help.

Report ALL nonfren posts.


The frenstag stands united beside the mods!

I stand behind both! We must eliminate the nonfrens

Hail the frenstag! Hail the Mods! Hail frenworld!

Hail ~frenler~ frenworld!

Hail victory.

deus fren!

Frenlord Vult.

We must secure the existence of our frens and a future for fren children.

We should flair qualified and active frens as schutzfrens, in recognition of their dedication to frenly causes.

You just nominated yourself for the position.


schutzfren reporting for duty

Schutzfren present and accounted for!

Schutzfren reporting for duty

It's important that all frens report suspicious non fren activity.

Also report all thots. Frenworld must remain pure.

deus fren!