Lots of late work nights, very sleepy. Will you read a story to me, Frens?

1  2018-12-09 by Cairanmac1


Once upon a tiem there was a very cute and hardworking fren. He’s you:)

Wow! :3 thanks fren


Fren couldn’t talk cause stuttering everyone laugh at him

He resolve to entertain millions

He did

He also Steve Harvey, but no story perfect

Onse upon a tiem thr was a good boy

Who wanted to become artist so he hatchd a ploi

to get into universty of liberal arts

but he got rejected by the old farts

who cntrolled the schols and the banks

so he wanted revenge on the old goys

so he rebrandished his toys and dressed a new suit

it was time for everyone to do a roman salute!

It's called the ugly barnacle. He was so ugly everyone died. The end.