Frens I bought tendies and now I’m in debpt, plese halp frens

1  2018-12-07 by The_Alces


It's fine fren. Buy more tendies.

It’s not an expense it’s an investment 👍🏻👍🏻

If you share them with a frend, they become frendies

unless they are vegan frends then they become frenemies

how much overlap is there between nonfrens and frenemies?

frenemy = arch nemeisis but u keep ur frens close enemys closer so in a way hes sort of ur frend wheras nonfren is not

Just short $MU and buy puts in $SNAP and you'll be a millionaire by the new year

The WSB crossover episode

That's a no from me fawg

As deputy of Frenworld I’ll deem you an official non-fren, I’ll get the sheriff on the case too u/fruity_turtle

Fren brutality! Fren lives matter!!!

sorry fren but you must pay denbts

It's not good to owe money to the kernel, fren.

When I question why I joined this sub, there’s a post like this. An image that shows a tru fren, that goes in dept to share. Thnk fren.

How mant GBP did they cost?

2.50 gbp but I only had 1 on my account so now I owe ma schoo 1.50 gbp

That’s good maths, fren

You need more tendies to thenk of plen and for smylze, fren. More tendies = more debpt = more tendies ... you win

those are nuggies you normie!!!!

RRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid bitch mommy won't give me tendies!

RRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid bitch mommy won't give me tendies! I don want nuggies, I want tendies!!!!!

Got a bitcoin wallet?

don’t get nuggies from your school cafeteria and call it tendies, chad

Those tendies shouldn't have put you in debt, unless you were im debt to begin with, frend.

ill send in frendollars fren

If you wanna pay off the dett you have for tendie dealer fren, you have to get manis. If you dn't have jobp you must find manis anotger way. For example, invest in frencoin, if you win, is good, if you fail in frencoin investemente, you get gr8 idea for ebin pink wojak to post on pink wojak place. Is eysi manis.

i ate vegan tendies today

Tendies and nuggies are not the same. Nuggies are normie food

No hunny mussy

No dewie

Nuggies covered in Chad sause



Ewww tomato, me only like hunny mussy