We have heard that the non frens have much gold and silver in ther monasteres! Who wants to join us?

1  2018-12-07 by grisfrallan


I'm in Frengnar!

You have my sword.

And my axe.

I shall join too. Can we go sight-seeing while we're there?

Plundering with my frens

All aboard frens! For glory and money!

Fren Erikson!

Pillage the nonfrens!

I'm in fren, let's go pillage their lands and bop he nonfrens

Pillage the village!

No me. I miss u frens

I will fight bravely fren?

Stey away frem my Pop you smell nord non frens!

If your pop is a fren we wont loot him

We shall pillage all of Frengland

i want to but dont hav a bopstick :(

Its ok. Yuo can borrow mine!

Thank yuo fren :)

I will bop anyone who not let me feel nun's boobs.

Those who run monasteries are great frens! Turn to jesu, fren!

NO FREN. Except Odin into your heart.

Only non frens would pillage, rape and murder churches and villlages

Some frens might say that only nonfrens would insist on importing a foreign semitic god into the lands of our ancestorfrens.

God is not Semitic or foreign. Christianity is not foreign because it was made in Europe.

I'm not going to castigate Christians for being Christians, I prefer them to most atheists and the other Abrahamic religions but facts are facts. The fact is that Yahweh was a Semitic deity with origins in bronze age Judaism. Christianity is a European thing, it's a European religion predicated on the worship of Semitic deity.

God belongs to no ethnic or cultural group. It may be a popular religion in Semitic cultures but God has long since abandoned the Jews.

That's fine, I understand that your belief system is universalist but there's no point in us talking past each other. You're speaking theology and I'm speaking anthropology. As for the Jews, I'm half convinced they're a pack of Moloch worshiping monsters anyways.

That is why God has abandoned them.

I dont like seeing frens fight >:(

You will never take the treasures of r/NonfrenWorld