Hey frens, I had a bad dream last night. It hurts so much

1  2018-12-05 by Akira_Yamamoto


Your dream can’t hurt yuo, we are here for you fren

It hurt me in the most horrible way 😭

What was it fren? We will help you

It okay fren dreams aren’t real we here for you

Did you see him too?

Oh no fren, don’t feel sad more. We your frens and are here to help

Dreams shouldn't hurt I recommend seeing a doctor. If it was psychological, bop that dream

It's okay, tell me about it, I can help to talk about it.

I dreamt of my ex and she was cucking me with another man. It hurt so much. I dont want to be a cuck.

You r no cuck fren.

it ok. dreams feel reel sumtimes. hope u feel better soon fren

Oh man this hits me. You’re not alone fren

At least you dream fren, mine are black nothingness.

If you keep a notebuk near your bed and set an alarm at an unusual time,you will remember dream and can wright down, if you do that offen for a little while you will be able to recollect dreams better later. It was a study we did in skool my fren

Thank u fren, i will dig my notebook out. Dreams complete a fren.

Alcohol and THC have a bad effect on your REM sleep, fren.

After I quit smoking after about a month I was able to recall 2 random strange dreams the first one was anxiety inducing and the other was randomness fren

I had a bad dream the other night, it brought up a lot of painful feelings. We can dream together fren

Gather up fren army! We gon protecc this fren from havin bad dream!

I had an awesome dream, I went to the moon and got to walk on the surface, but no one was watching bc a football game was on

pls no be hurt. frens r best therapy.

Wil u hug me?

big hug

hugs bak thx fren


you can come have a sleep over with me fren, I'll get us a pizza too :)

i had a dream where there were 1000 wizards and i was in a castle and the only way i could win was to punch the wizards as hard as I could in the face

It do be like that sometimes.

Dreams are just your brain meat processing information. It's ok fren.

Jst a dreem fren. Evrything is a dreem, fren.

Dont Worry so Much pal, try and see if you can some sleep Fren

I relate to this image so strongly. 3AM woken up for an hour ago, just hugging my pillow accepting that I have no chance of falling asleep again. A fren getting hit in the feelies.

I had a weird ass dream today where I got into a car wreck and woke up in an ambulance with someone trying to saw open something on my face, then woke up again in my dream with some metal face plate thing on my cheek, then I actually did wake up for real

that sounds awful :[