Frens why can't I pass college classes? I beat the big sad once before, I don't know if I can do it again.

1  2018-12-05 by PM-TRAP-BENIS


what classes fren

cal-q-lus and program in C fren.

I passed honors calc as a junior l o l

You don go teasin my fren!

honors calc in high school != college level calc buddy. i passed honors calc in high school and failed college calc twice.

Shit you must be stupid

go troll elsewhere nonfren

Where is the frensident to get rid of this non fren

Where is fren ice???

being proud of high school honors classes trying to brag when you couldn’t even make it into AP courses I seriously hope you don’t do this fren

Too bad I aced AP Bio, AP Psychology. Sadly there wasn’t any AP calc classes available. Easiest credits of my life. Well, I did spend a little time on Bio.

Bragging about AP Bio and AP Psych

Prolly got 3’s on the AP exams

Didn’t take based AP calc BC and AP physics C

I seriously hope you don’t do this fren

I got double 5’s baby.

I’m sure fren I’m sure

If you thought either classes were hard, you’re probably really stupid. AP psychology was probably the easiest dub in my life. AP bio was meh. Not even close to hard though.

Being this angry over AP psych scores

I seriously hope you don’t do this friend

I’m opposite of angry, quite amused. Thought it was “fren”. Too angry over such stupidness forgot to keep your religion?

over such stupidness

Your autism is showing fren

I have autism but that doesn’t make me stupid

Nobody says that you’re stupid fren

Just that you’re exceedingly average, but think you’re better than people for taking easy classes

You have no emotional intelligence and that’s why no one likes to be around you

Stop trying to dunk on depressed dudes struggling in life, it just makes you look pathetic

This whole conversation is IAmVerySmart tier


Sorry fren, do not like to make people sad

But now you see how you made OP feel

It’s not easy but you can get better at it, I’m sure you’re actually a good person and just get carried away

Literally no one gives a shit, doing well in school isn’t difficult and doesn’t make you special. Most people can do well with some effort

you r hoppin for a boppin

You're gone.


what is problem with calcus type problem learn derivative

But what about learn Taylor series

taylor series even easier, problem already solved for you just memorize first couple

Taylor is fren

Read this book fren, it's a simple reintroduction to calculus

What is you C problem fren? I have some small knowledge.

I'll halp you study fren

You need to take that homework to home and work on it first day you get it.

Then take questions to first TA meeting or prof meeting.

Then get other kids to see you are the "proactive" one and they will work with you to solve difficult problems you cant do because you already have the answers to the easy ones.

Do that

my calqulus class does not have TA and professor does not grade fairly, I get 70-90% on problems and he make "x" through other problem, doesn't give credit for getting most of problem right!






Retaking classes makes me sad fren, but I will try your advice!

What do you mean by detach

Detaching For Clear Thinking - Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

Just put all your effort into it because that’s the best you can do. Good luck fren

I feel the same fren, the big sad scares me lots mine is back too, it is hard.

I am in the same boat fren. Don't worry

So quit screwing around boating and start studying.

8 years of collidg make me wanna self-bop

E-eight years fren?

I think it may be time to move on

i tried collidg for two years and flunked out because of the big sad, took two years off to work and go to com-mu-ni-ty collidg, i was gonna finish collidg in 2.5 years for a total of 6.5, but some credits didn't transfer, and now i'm repeating two classes instead of advancing in my major, which stretches it to four years because the senior classes aren't offered in the summmer.

The finish line dont hav timer fren.

You shouldn't count the years you weren't even at collidg. You're beating yourself down for no reason.

Its ok fren. The thing is, you’re trying again and that makes it worth it.

I almost bopped myself when I got the big sad when I failed 5/6 classes freshman year 1st semester. It gets better and you’ll feel so much better when you graduate.

If anything, maybe that major just isn’t something you should struggle so much over. Isn’t there some certification you can get instead of a full bach or associate degree? Accomplish that and then work your way up to the degree.

It took me an extended time to get through undergrad too due to depression fren. I found that even when I was feeling super down, having structure and working in small intervals helped me get through classes. So even when it is hard for you to make decisions or think of what to study, you'll have a plan set in place that you can go to. Even if you do 5min or 10min study increments, that is still progress in the bank!

I failed calculus 3 times before I finally passed after I figured out how to organize myself. Make a schedule for yourself for study time and relaxation time, make lists of what needs to be studied, and do tons of practice problems. PatrickJMT on YouTube helped me SO MUCH. I think thenewboston should have tutorials for learning C as well (he helped me so much with learning python and java!).

You can do this fren!! It may seem rough now, but you'll get through this and feel even stronger in the end. We believe in you!

Don't worry fren. Don't be sad. I couldn't pass cal cu las. No shame in retaking a course.

Good thing is you'll never need to use more than 10% of it after college.

No easy answers fren

Just hang on

Thank for reaching out for help fren, lyfe isn’t race, take your time reaching ur goal

Also, impornt words to help with big sad

Fren I'm gonna drop out of collidg because of the big sad and i'm also failing every single class) and this is only my first semester :/. I hate the big sad. Don't know what to do with my life. Feeling lost.

Its ok to drop out fren. Just focus on getting rid of the big sad and then you can always try again. Like another fren said, “finish line have no timer”

Thanks fren.

I had the big sad and other brain hurts fren made me drop out of university. Luckily I found a job in SEO that needs some smarticus but not a degree and now I make lots of green paper. I don’t know what the green paper is for apart from paying rent and food but it feels good to have it fren!

Nosefren put soy in all the food it keeps your brain from doing a good job.

Bop all nosefren.

Don't drink the tap water.

You can do it, fren! You can come on top. We all believe in you.

Νo worries fren I am also failing my classes atm, 3 tears in to the programme

We’ll be loser-frens :)

It's ok fren! I beeleev in u, and so do evey1 else here! I can help with calqulis if u wnat

I can help with calqus fren.

It took me tree times to pass pre calc fren youll be okay :)

Taylor is fren

I have autism but that doesn’t make me stupid