Hello frens today im sad because i broke one of my favorite things

2  2018-12-02 by hexagonearther


That is too bad fren.

But guess what?

I have the same exact thing for you, as a replacement!

Whats that?

A can of Walmart cola.

It is all yours my fren

It is even cold. Enjoy!

Thanks for enlightening me with your hypothetical liquid confectionary my good ser

What did you break fren?

A full size model of a deagle made out of lego dont judge me fren

I would never judge you fren, I hope you can rebuild it

Thanks for the support fren

A broken heart can be repaired fren. Giv it tiem.

Thanks for the support fren

Just fix favorite thing. If you fix favorite thing, you get good at fixing things. Can fix things of other frens. Make fixing things business.

Woa good idea fren!

Yes. Am filled with many good idea

Did u also stay up all night fren?

Almost. Fell asleep. Shidded in boxers

So sorry for you fren. Bye i gotta get ready for school and exercise my 3 brain cells

It’s only midnight where I am, still gonna get sleep

Good luck!

When we love things they own us fren