I'm going to protect the holy frens

1  2018-12-01 by Ibiss8


We must retake Frenstantinople!

Bless you fren!

Deus vult fren

I neo-Stoic, effectively atheist.

Am I non-holy fren?

Can a fren be holy with lack of religion?

Nay, dubious fren

yes, frenus vult

Are you white?

Let us drive the infidels out of Jerusafren. Deus vult.

God wills it, fren

All frens are holy!

We will not let the memory of your holy crusade be corrupted, fren. Frenworld will sing praises of your victories through eternity. Bop all who stand against you!

Good luck Fren!

Constantnople must be retaken fren

For the grace for the might of the fren