Nonfren: "What the hell is frenworld even about?!" Me:

1  2018-11-30 by CIA_watches_me_pee



I am fren

I tried to tell my mom, now I might not be able to keep my computer.

Your mom is a frencist non-fren?

No! She wont let me do anything!

Sorry for the small editing mistakes, the budget of the frenworld propaganda department has been severely cut down by frensident ufoguy.

We should meet a the beerhall and discuss this

I agree

I imagine this video being played to this

The nonfrens did this


Frens are frenly and bop nonfrens

Upvote this if green man good.

I would have given you gold but the frensident also cut that budget.

This is amazing, good work fren.

The Dark Brotherhood will not let this Winterhold nonsense continue.

This sub cracks me up but I have no clue what's going on, is there a documentation page?

This is a refugee sub which was created after the recent bannings and quarantines of certain 'edgy' subs like MDE and cringeanarchy. I like to think that the sub was intented to be so innocent that no one could justify banning it, regardless of the people participating.

That's basically it.

All they need is this info to ban for ban evasion

It's not a backup sub, it's intend is completely different. But i'll reword it.

Fair enough. I just want Frenworld to stick around. Do you know about the Riot?

No not really

Hide your fren level.

Should i delete it?

I've already removed it.

Sry i'll be less artistic in the future

You should remove your comment yourself - edit into something else, then delete, safer that way



Good work fren.

Tank fren

Dance man dances next to other fren. I dance alone because no fren. Why is my dance so quiet?

Dance man like likes other frens

For rest us femanonfrens are very picky, unless we Chad, in which case we wouldn’t be in this sub anyway

Hey there fren! You got a real nice fren down there!

Let's do the fren dance frens!


Frenslayer is a goob channel

Did you just mischaracterize green frog as green man? Bopped from social media.

Brings a tear to my eye

Which one of you gave this unfrenly website money? For shame

If you GET reddit gold you get coins, if you save up enough coins you can give gold to others. This is the only logical explanation fren..

I am fren