y do i fail at everthin frens

1  2018-11-28 by LikeWatsom


Dun go yet frem. Do moar planning,look at past mistakes, try agen.

Because it’s a bad idea fren

You are succeeding at living

thank u fren

well understan if u bop uself fren

u will succeed fren one day I will do the self bop and we will be together

NO FREN PLS DO NOT SELF BOP. Self bopping is not gud because you have whole lyfe ahead of u! You don't fail at everything, everybody is gud at somfing.

not me fren

wat are yore hobbies fren? You haf to have a hobby?

i go to rave fren

be DJ

Keep trying fren , everything will be ok , I promise you!

i'm glad yu fail this one fren.

i still like you

It's ok fren, I just failed at making a post and I feel really bad about it.

Because u do not need to do this fren we are here for you