Changed my style to get goth gf frens

1  2018-11-28 by ecriep


If it makes you happy fren then it’s ok

Lookin sharp fren

Ken I be ur goth gf fren?

big tiddy goth gurl fren?

Medium tiddy fren

Good enuf fren!

Medium tiddy is best tiddy.

Good luck fren!

gud luk getting goat gf fren. use grass flavar spray

lookin really cool fren, but you don't need to change to get a big tiddy goth gf. Just be yourself, surely frens will follow.

I pretend boyfren of goth girl Paige

Upside down cross is satanist not goth good luck fren

The upsidedown cross is st peter cross fren

it can be, but also demon nonfrens are nown to flip all the crosses in a frenly hous upside down

Then, fren, they are fooling themselves. St. Peter denied Christfren three times and spent the rest of his life atoning. He asked that he be crucified upside down to represent how unworthy he was to die in the same manner as Christ. Upside down crosses were adopted by edgy nonfrens and John Carpenter to represent satan/vampires, however it has no other historical significance than reverence towards Christ.

i understand, fellow cathfren

It’s actually a Christian symbol you uneducated swine

And it’s used by satanists fren

But that’s the symbol of baphoment fren

Here is my favorite Cure tape from 1993


I hope you have a tape player

Are big tiddy goth gfs frens?

No, it's not just a phase!

Don't change who you are to appease someone else, fren. It's not worth it, believe me

I'm sad fren. I could never look as cool as you. But you look cool, and have a bunch of cool frens now, so I'm happy for you.

You can attract more goth frens with the white squiggly lines hot topic shirt, everyone loves that one

Lil pep?

One time this fren named Sarah came up to me with her underwear in her mouth. She couldn't even talk.

Just wear a trench coat everywhere fren

Get one with the big tits fren

gf? Whatsthat frens??