I've just been through hell and back frens.

1  2018-11-27 by MyMEMESgotBANNED


I’m glad you made it fren

Some weren’t so lucky

ty fren

saw the aftermath fren. You went scorched earth on them.

You look like the average joe

Good job fren!

Thas everyday on this Earth for me fren. You will be ok.

Give 'em heck fren.

Break their neck fren.

Throw a couple decks fren Shoot shots sharp and break necks fren

You're a spiritual lyrical individual fren 👍

pls dont smoke fren, it is bad for yu

Are u ok now?

yes fren. ty for asking

What happened to ya bud?

I feel ya fren. Still trying to find my way back.

Fren Runner 2049

What the fuck happened?