Never forget the original frenworld 😪

1  2018-11-25 by grantquake10


Hey frenworld is great! It’s getting better everyday!

Yes it is goyi- I mean fren! So great to see the diversity growing!

I am so upset CA got quarantined.

Well you can still get there

MDE never dies, frens

New fren. Can anyone explain?

have you ever heard of the USS Liberty attack?

I haven’t

Have you ever heard of the Lavon Affair?

Hello fren. Most of this subs subscribers are from quarantined subreddits such as CringeAnarchy and the likes. That's because frenworld was advertised to the quarntined crowd. Thats how I came here. Straight from CringeAnarchy when I believe the dude who made this sub went to CringeAnarchy and told us to join the subreddit.

Oh shit ty for that information I thought it was just retarded and genuine until it became political

No we hate Jews here

that why we can't have nice things you fag

shhhhh the longnose nonfren will get us b&

Fren. It was political from day one. That being said, dont be a nonfren like the mean nonfrens at r/AgainstHateSubreddits.

6,000,000 is a lie

Never forget about the holodobop.