Who wants to play gitar with me frens

1  2018-11-25 by ufoguy33


I will Mr.Frensident!

Me too fren, me too

Mr frensident can you teech me how to play?

Sure fren

*ouch *

you're pretty good fren!


x play gatar

I wanna but u hav to teech me

I will fren

thx fren


That better be a non-friend

It is

Fren guitar is only for wooing femanonfren not bopping fren

Look into ur heart and correct your priorities

I’m playing it fren

I hav saxphon can I play

Sure fren

thenk fren

Of course fren

Mr. Frensident I am good with the drums. I go pum-pa-rum.

Ok fren (:

Solar plexus deluxe

Mr. Frensident, let’s make a light music club for all frens to play in, and we can eat food and have fun with frens!

Crowd gonna get bopped hardcore.

thx fren