rember to go to national stampede today, frens?

1  2018-11-23 by bibossw


I went and I saved over 1000 dollars on a 5000 dollar tv I didn’t need!! And I only broke one ankle and my car got impounded.

Successful Black Friday 😎🐸

I disability doctor.

I declare you disabled fren due to broke ankle

Is best holiday gift of all

me onthe right



Nice poast!

My mobility scooter knocked all the puny under-900 pound Americans at Walmart out of my path.

Nothing was going to stop me from saving 3% on a new beetus strip machine.

I am now super-disabled. Victory!

i bought a very comfy knitted sweater ;)

Same fren!

Got a chromecast so I can bond with frens over the frendliest show of all - the eric andre show

Get out of our pillow fort no girls aloud

Well my Fort doesn’t allow non frens

I was working today to support cheapo frens

Gratz on the updoots

Thanks fren

Got some nice boots to cope with the unfrenly weather. My cheapo ones are full of holes :(

I made our nosefrens really happy today.

New PC, my old one was broken! How about you frens?

I disability doctor.

I declare you disabled fren due to broke ankle

Is best holiday gift of all

Same fren!

me onthe right