Got a job interview wish me luck frens!

1  2018-11-22 by GasTheWeaboos


I hope you are on birth control fren

Just make sure you never talk about mindgeek in public, fren. You might lose your job if you do.

Oh no.

I know that couch

What is this?

Porn tryouts

Frend, talk to him about your akame ga kill figurine collection, it's sure to make the interviewer super excited

I love that show

get out of there fren!!!

Flee! fren flee!

The good news is that you are about to achieve a certain kind of immortality.

I'm glad u wore ur best clothes fren

It only smells fren

i know this couch from somewhe— oh no fren

What is the joke

you will learn when the time is rite fren. for now, be young an free fren.

Happy cake day


Just relax and don't be too afraid to laugh. Interviewer is fren

have you ever done anything like this before, fren?

Either way our fren is about to have a memorable experience

Not a good experience, but definitely memorable

Hope your one of those gay frogs alex Jones talked about .... fren

I don’t like em' puttin' non-frens in the subreddit that turn those fricking frens gay. Do you understand that!?

fren you are in grave peril


any frens know of actual casting couch porn that isn't staged. asking for a fren...

You're going to star in the office, happy for you fren

Say hi to Stanley and Michael and Toby and Jim and Jan and Roy and creed and mindy Kaling and Andy and that’s it

Thanks fren

No fren!

Kill them fren

Porn tryouts