Nonfrens called me a nazi for liking my president.

1  2018-11-22 by Bowlffalo_Soulja


u/ufoguy33 is great fren.

President is best fren be proud

Conservafrens called me a nazi for not liking the president and not support his Israel policies.

The ride never ends.

Build a wall to keep the nonfrens away. They're murderers and rapists.

The bopping of the non frens isn't real

but isn't that a uniform of people who refused to be frens?

They were frens to other frens, but not to nonfrens

they were nonfrens to more than they were frens

What are you talking about 😂 those are the original friends

yu are nonfren no nonfren allowed in here :(

Maybe they were just jealous of your handsome suit, fren.

You're no nazi

Nice clothes fren