thinking about pulling trigger frens. pray for me.

1  2018-11-21 by Nagikarp


You not alone fren

Wut going on?

Have no goals fren, feel like im living life just because i have to. Very hard to find hobbies fun, and frens never text back. If i can’t enjoy my life and it won’t lead anywhere worthwhile, why bother?

Sounds a lot like where I was at for quite awhile. I still struggle with it, but I've been doing better this year.

Try to hang in there, fren. In time you might find something you love and gives you purpose. Your frens are with you, and PM me if you want to talk more.

i am your fren, fren. if you hurt yourself it will hurt all of us in frenworld

Fren I know that feeling. im in the same situation it really sucks. let's hope better times will come someday. Just try to survive till then.

Hey fren you should read Jordan Peterson's book, it can help get you motivated to change yourself for the better so that you can be the type of fren other frens will want to be around.

You can start by cleaning your room

No easy answers fren

Maybe only difficult ones

You not alone: I am in much the same situation

We get through this together

Call 211 if things get any worse

Frens who does not text back are non frens, fren.

bops nonfrens

What you're going through is just temporary. Give it time and things will align better.

I relate to this very heavily fren and am in the same situation as you. I hope we turn out ok fren.

Even if we have nothing at least we’ll have frens behind us, wish you the best of luck fren

Wishing you the best too fren.

I’m in your situation too fren. It gets better. Stay strong

Jordan peterson is very good fren. Check his youtube videos. Stopped me from kermitting sewerside.

Your story is not over until you choose for it to end fren. I was also on the edge of ending it. Was addicted to the worst of the worst drugs and had thrown away my education, family, and friends. I got out of that environment and have really blossomed over the last few years. Sometimes a change of environment is all you need. Sometimes you need more. But hang in there. You will look back on this period years from now and be so glad you didn’t make that final decision. Much love fren. We’re all here to talk.

Fren, smoke weed, lift weights and find what really matters. Love u kiddo. Add me on ps4 Dyslexic_Mexican

Good fren

This worked for me. That and quitting my job to work fast food.

Best time in my life

Lol obviously don't work fast food but real talk that 18-20 year life span WAS the greatest time of my life, also going to college smoking cuties out in beetween classes. Awww man. good times. ( although do NOT let weed interfere with lecture time )



No I actually enjoyed it. I had tough jobs all before that and i liked not having responsibility for a while

You know what.... I kinda feel that.

I don’t have a ps4, I appreciate it either way though fren

Fellow fren here.. Play Dark Souls or Bloodbourne?

im here fren

Hello everyone,

If you are struggling to help someone from a distance or are in need of help, here are some hotlines to help you.

Here is a list of countries, and phone numbers that can get you help: United States: 1-800-784-2433 (1-800-SUICIDE)

United States (en Espanol): 1-800-SUICIDA

United States-veterans 1-800-273-8255, Veterans Press 1

Europe Wide: 116 123 (free from any number)

Australia: 13 11 14 '

Belgium: 02 649 95 55

Brasil: 141

Canada: 1-800-273-8255

Deutschland: 0800 1110 111

Denmark: 70 20 12 01, or

France: 01 40 09 15 22

Greece: 1018 or 801 801 99 99

Iceland: 1717

India: 91-44-2464005 0 or 022-27546669

Ireland: ROI - local rate: 1850 60 90 90 ROI - minicom: 1850 60 90 91

Israel: 1201

Italia: 800 86 00 22

Malta: 179

Japan 03-3264-4343

Netherlands: 0900 1130113

New Zealand: 0800 543 354 Nippon: 3 5286 9090

Norway: 815 33 300

Osterreich: 116 123 Serbia: 0800 300 303 or 021 6623 393; Online chat:

South Africa: LifeLine 0861 322 322; Suicide Crisis Line 0800 567 567 Sverige: 020 22 00 60

Switzerland: 143 UK: 08457 90 90 90 or text 07725909090 or email [email protected]

Uruguay: 7pm to 11 pm – Landlines 0800 84 83 (FREE) 2400 84 83 24/7 – Cell phone lines 095 738 483 *8483

Have a happy day everyone.

There is truly no hope for Serbian frens :-(

Suicide hotlines are useless fren

So are you.

Bout to bop myself

Hello everyone,

If you are struggling to help someone from a distance or are in need of help, here are some hotlines to help you.

Here is a list of countries, and phone numbers that can get you help: United States: 1-800-784-2433 (1-800-SUICIDE)

United States (en Espanol): 1-800-SUICIDA

United States-veterans 1-800-273-8255, Veterans Press 1

Europe Wide: 116 123 (free from any number)

Australia: 13 11 14 '

Belgium: 02 649 95 55

Brasil: 141

Canada: 1-800-273-8255

Deutschland: 0800 1110 111

Denmark: 70 20 12 01, or

France: 01 40 09 15 22

Greece: 1018 or 801 801 99 99

Iceland: 1717

India: 91-44-2464005 0 or 022-27546669

Ireland: ROI - local rate: 1850 60 90 90 ROI - minicom: 1850 60 90 91

Israel: 1201

Italia: 800 86 00 22

Malta: 179

Japan 03-3264-4343

Netherlands: 0900 1130113

New Zealand: 0800 543 354 Nippon: 3 5286 9090

Norway: 815 33 300

Osterreich: 116 123 Serbia: 0800 300 303 or 021 6623 393; Online chat:

South Africa: LifeLine 0861 322 322; Suicide Crisis Line 0800 567 567 Sverige: 020 22 00 60

Switzerland: 143 UK: 08457 90 90 90 or text 07725909090 or email [email protected]

Uruguay: 7pm to 11 pm – Landlines 0800 84 83 (FREE) 2400 84 83 24/7 – Cell phone lines 095 738 483 *8483

Have a happy day everyone.

Bout to bop you instead fren

True fren

suicide hotline owned by nosefren who take fren to crazy person house!

Get a doggo or catto fren. Furry fren will help plus you can give them a good life.

Jesus luvs u fren

Yeah major this. Jeses is like a philosopher that died because he said God loved all of us.

We are here for you fren. If you ever want to talk send me a message.

Fren it may not help but you can always message me and talk. About anything. You are not alone. Life is hard.

Do not worry fren, feel free to pm me we can talk about it at length. I have maybe some good options for you.

Learn to hate, fren. Let it fuel you. Become stronger, smarter AND CRUSH THOSE THAT WOULD SUBVERT YOUR CULTURE. project your authority fren.

Don’t bop yourself

If you do, Fren, and I'll be sad if you do, then I'll take your body and use it for science! At least it won't go to waste Fren.

Love you <3

Things any better fren?

Appreciate the love and support from frens, so right now I’m in a better mood, but it’s not like my life has improved in such a short amount of time

Very good. As long as you are a little better.

Keep telling people what is going on until you find someone who cares.

Good luck.

I'm here if you need me fren, feel free to PM

Volunteer at something. Anything. The constructive interaction and structure works wonders. Pm for ideas. Or post below pls!

You are my brother fren you will have happier life from knowing this dark place it is a good thing just don’t bop yourself

I know what could help you.

Please answer this question:

If you had a button to kill all live in the world and there will never again be any kind of live, would you press it?

Please answer with yes or no

No fren

Now think about your answer.

Why exactly do you choose not to press it, fren?

Hello, fren? I hope you didn't forgot me

Sorry fren I was busy, why would I end everyone else’s lives just because I wanna end mine?

Again, explain why you want other people to live

Because other frens might enjoy their lives

Why do they enjoy their lives?

I wouldn’t know fren, I wouldn’t know

Think about, why YOU don't enjoy your life but others do.

These are the things you should change about your life and make it worth to life :)

No fren

Because other frens might enjoy their lives

Even if we have nothing at least we’ll have frens behind us, wish you the best of luck fren