Hello frens! After my previous attemps at a frenworld coup d'etat were rudely compromised my the nosefren mods, i've become pc-frenler! VOTE FOR ME IN THE FRENWORLD ELECTION SO I CAN BOP ALL THE NOSEFRENS!

1  2018-11-20 by CIA_watches_me_pee


Also everyone who doesn't vote for me will be sent to frenwitch and frenbibor

Like I said, that's very non-frenly like. All frens are frens, whether their noses are big or not

Oy vey!

Bad Fren!

Go to camp to concentrate nosefren.

I don't have ADHD



You have my vote fren

tank fren, I promote you to oberfrenbahnführer

This fucking sub is getting overrun by some blatant racists. What the fuck

Shutup fag



Thanks for the heads up, buddy. Bopping the nonfren.

When the fuck did this sub for some nice and friendly roleplay and apustajas turn into this fucking shitstorm. You are honestly all fucking trash for taking over this sub.

Ever heard of jokes?

Really? Posts about jews being nonfrens are supposed to be jokes?

*nosefren. And yes they are edgy jokes. Now go back to r/funny

Prior to all these voting and candidate posts we didn't have this type of humour on here.

We did it landed us on r/againsthatesubreddits

Fuck off

Alright so why are we doing it again now?

because those guys are massive sjw's.

I'm okay with some edgy humour but I really thought this sub was just a place where we could all be useless tards together without having to involve any edgy or possibly offensive jokes.

You can do that but it gets old fast, thats why we have the whole election thingy now.

Alright fair enough. Apologies for losing my shit without enough information to form a proper judgement.

Now we can all ~bop the nosefrens~ be frens!


You are looking for r/okbuddyretard . I think the joke here is being all naive and "frenly" but having an implicit racist/nazi agenda. I find it quite funny

Relax. Nothing wrong with some edgy humour. I don't think you realize what sub you're on.

You dont know about this subs history? Get out nonfren

Enlighten me please

The frenworld was created since our former home where we had a million dollars and it was extreme was shoahed

I thought we just had a few mods that used to visist MDE regularly but are you saying this is their next home?

Yes fren :) this is frensrael



The mods have sticks in their butts. I begun to think they are the REAL nonfrens

Your issue is with /u/Sergei_Suvorov and not "the mods."

That guy is a nonfren.

Typical nonfren behavior. Selling a fellow nonfren out for political gain. I’m on 2 u guys

You definitely have my vote Fren!

Fren I will vote for ya

Now that's a trustworthy face

Alright fair enough. Apologies for losing my shit without enough information to form a proper judgement.