Hello frens! I am hereby running for sheriff of our frenworld!

1  2018-11-17 by Fruityturtle


Will you bop the nonfrens?

I'll bop all nonfrens if they step foot in our world fren!

You have mi vote fren!

Thanc you fren!

howdy pardna


If mayor of frenworld says to stand down when the non-frens start rioting and assaulting frens, will you listen to mayors order?

I will work for the frens, not the mayor, if the frens decide we have to bop the non-frens in the event of a roit then so be et

Hav you guys seen fren world redemption 2???

Pew pew of cours fren

Yes. Good vote. Stronk sherif fren do a protic

You’ve got my vote!
