how do i know if im fren o nonfren???

1  2018-11-17 by CAXlNO


Do u wanna be a fren?

lets all be frens

Yes, i really wanna be fren

Then ur a fren! Welcom fren

We are all frens except if you're a girl or long nose.

Long nose are our greatest frens

You talk like a long nose.

What about long nose girl with big milkies

Hmmm. My brain says non-fren but my lil fren says fren.

It's a tricky one.

If you’re here your a friend.

Yey, thanks fren

Are you gud?

I am now

Than u fren

You you want to ensure an existence for frens and a future for fren children?

If your answer is yes than you're a fren

Yes, I want dat

Welcome fren!

If you don't have the pretty green skin, if you want to bop frens, and if you're no good, then you're a non-fren

I am now

Than u fren

It's a tricky one.