Was in the shower and heard the other guys in the locker room saying how bad I am and that all I do is hurt the team and slow them down. They didn't know i was there and i thought they were my buds. I'm so hurt frens what do i do?

1  2018-11-16 by IAMToddHowardAMA


Guillotine the nonfrens

Things get better fren

I older than you, and many celebrated jocks either get humbled by life and become true frens, or otherwise mostly end up dead/on drugs/bad situations

Is never too late for anyone, but these jocks need to turn from hate to love, or date gonna bop them with karma. Is not pretty.

Wow fren that’s not very nice of them, you should put them on a train and send them to camp

Do your best for the team, and don't worry what other people think of you. If you keep that mindset you'll do well through your life, fren.

Bop them fren

Try to get better at your sport because you should do that anyway. Ask for their help to practice. If not, bop 'em

Cheer up fren we're here for you

Improve until you surpass your current capabilities. Be the best that you can be, and don't worry about what others think.

Trench coat and a fully automatic bopper.

try out different sports fren, sometimes you bop better in frenly boppin sports, like wrestlin

I used be lik you fren. But t-then I started workout, an became strong fren. No nonfren stand in my whey now. PM an ill give u key to become Chad fren

Frentalk aside: talking bad behind someones back and not having the balls saying it to your face is a pretty shitty move. At least you got that: you are a better person than them

You kno what do fren https://i.imgur.com/U8vGJRf.jpg

This works too.

Cheer up fren

Give them a visit with Mr 9mm fren

Do a massive shit in the showers to assert your dominance. Scream while you're doing it.

Wut wood Jesus do fren?

We still think you're great fren!

Catapult the nonfren into a volcano

just because they have complaints about how you play doesn't mean you're not their fren. go to them and ask for constructive criticism; you will learn what you need to work on and they won't feel like they're talking behind your back anymore and everyone is frens again

Get your self

Work to get better than anyone ever has ben fren!