Frens, I'm new to this sub and I love it. But why are other frens racing each other for frensident? Its tearing frens apart let's all live in perfect harmony for the sake of frenkind. :)

8  2018-11-16 by PoQUITTI


Sometimes when you bake a cake you break a few egg

well said fren. I just don't like the race being so antagonistic:(

Then vot chadfren, he ll make sure al frens get along

wtf, that was a good quote fren. Kek

also omelettes:(

You frenarchist scum true frens unite under a strong frensident!

Relax fren. We need to accept all frens no matter what! Because even if we all unite under /u/ufoguy33, some frens want to have their own opinions. And that's okay.

Do you know what MDE is??

Mega dicks extreme

You’re a fake fren and probably a Jew

Real frens accept everyone

Long nose bad

Just please shut up faggot

Ill have you know i was top of my class in destroying little shits like you

You’re not funny or original

Prove it fag

Non-frens can't be frens.

Frenworld doesn't have magic dirt that transforms non-frens into frens the moment they set foot on it.

We live in a frensciety