Frens, I don't understand the frenlection and I don't know whos a shill, but I know that this is destroying our frenships. We should remove the frenlection completely, before we start a civil war! We must start petitions to get the mods to remove it!

1  2018-11-16 by Georg_Reshetov


Great message fren

I agree, fren

Talking to mods

We do not negotiate with terrorists, fren

Fren we need the mods, fascism is the only way to a true frenostate


Deport all non frens!

We must secure the future of our frens and the existence of all fren children.

Let's just have complete autonomy. Then it will be easier for me to seize power and my brown shirt frens will give helicopter rides to all non frens.

civil war is comin frens de south will rise again

Except this time it'll look like this.