I keep gettin call ((nazi)) by nonfrens

1  2018-11-15 by rod0_94


See, I was right when I called you out as pathetic u/rod0_94

You leave that fren alone you long nosed gold goblin!

(((coming for your credit score bitch)))

Liberals are painfully unfunny, please take your room temperature IQ somewhere else ⚡️👍🏻⚡️


Quick! Bop the non fren!

Bop confirmed

Thank you for your service fren.


Don't listen to those nonfrens fren. We don't think you're a Nazi. :)

Thanks fren ur nice

It's ok fren, non friends won't even let me talk on all the puppy pictures. They can't fib forever

I can’t talk on politics subs :( they call me anti semantics fren I’m very logical fren :(