We want justice! Deport the non fren who murdered the brave journalist!

1  2018-11-15 by grisfrallan


an don’t forget Fren Rich!

Didn't that journalist promote ISIS though fren?

Woah, did he? Yikes!

You're back from your latest ban fren! YAY! Time to plan my garden for next year!

Ty fren. <3

Freedom of the (fren) press!

Me on the left

Me in the middle

Took pitchfork from farm, I spend a lot of time on farm petting cow frens

me on the right!

my frens helped me make the sign!

Journalist are big noses 🤥🤥🤥 so NO WAY


In this case, we ally with frens from longnose tribe to protect journalist frens and fight against Saudi Non-Frendia who has taken advantage of countries with bribery, not done with Good Boy Points or mun-muns, but with oil to cover up a long history of non-frenlyness. But now finally the eyes of the gubt frens have stopped looking past these actions and thus change is possible. Frens unite to take down the oily non-fren, their oil isn't even good for cooking!

just shut up retard

can't tell if you're a rabbi or a retard


Ok buddy

Por que no Los dos?

A fren warned us about people killing journalists

What journalist?


Justice for Yemen frens :( saudis are nonfrens who are friends of ((nose frens))

Deport all non-frens! Build the Frenly wall! Vote for /u/ufoguy33!

Hmmm... I wonder who ordered the murder of the journalist...

Probably some evil non-frens

Ok buddy

me on the right!

my frens helped me make the sign!

Por que no Los dos?