Henlo frens, I am new fren and I say to HECK with all this deevicive unfrenliness. Vote for me, u/Dissy- for frensident and I will personally bop all nonfrens not once, but TWICE

1  2018-11-15 by Dissy-


This may be unpopular frenpinion but I believe all frens are born equally frenly, and everyone is capable of being a true fren, but those who happen to be unlucky and fall into unfrenliness need bopped in the right direction, and single bopping just isn't getting the message through. we need to build refrenucation facilities to help the nonfrens become frens again!

How do i vote im confused

You just do it fremd

Well i vote for you fren

I aprecate all my frens <4

u are nonfren puppet

Lies fren, I want what's best for our frens first and foremost

Vonted for u fren

thamk u fren kiss

We need a frenking. Democrisy is destroying frenworld.

Agreeb! Fren, if you vote for me I will get rid of this stinky democrisy and be your king forver!

Well i vote for you fren