Hi frens, i am nice mustachefren. I will bop all the nosefrens who have weakend our frenworld with their corrupt election.

1  2018-11-14 by CIA_watches_me_pee


Fren, you have my vote.

Tank you fren, but I don't really need votes

Someone reported this. Approved.

I usually don't like going against other mods, but on this case, I'll have to claim seniority. I don't have anything against it, but Reddit does.

If we continue to be so explicit, we're going to go the way of the other hundred shoa'd subs. Personally, I don't want this sub banned, especially when we're growing so fast.

We better get our wrong think in order and silence those literal nazis

you're acting like this is something I want to do, and not an action forced by circumstance.

There's no rule against Hitler.

There's a rule against Holocaust denial. This isn't that.

Fren, you've dissapointed frenler :-(

You're right, there's no explicit rule. However, the multitude of subreddits that were banned, including the meme ones like mde, got banned not for Holocaust denial (the rule wasn't "official" then) but for simply spreading "hateful" and "Nazi" imagery.

You need to look at the unwritten rules, the de facto limitations. That is, if you expect this sub to last longer than 2 months.

but for simply spreading "hateful" and "Nazi" imagery.

Weird lie.

How is that a lie lol?

Well, it's a falsehood you've intentionally told.

What do you call that?

You misunderstood me. I'm asking you to demonstrate how it was a lie.

By it not being true, you dumb faggot.

Yeah, I don't have the time or patience for this shit.

nice job bending the knee


suck reddit cock harder


The fire rises fren

I like you're mustache, fren

fren mayb bop too mean. put nosefren in summer camp first? i like campy time

Do you like crystals fren? we could have a whole night of crystals, a crystalnight!

I like your ideas for frenworld, you have my vote!

You have my vote fren Heil Hermione

Make frenworld great again u/CIA_watches_me_pee!