Hi frens :DD I, Sergeant Spurdo have gome to be your bresidend. I will broteg you from all dangers :DDD Also I will bring lots of ES for everyone :DDDDD

1  2018-11-14 by pukseli


You are not green, bop all nonfrens

But I am your ancestor :(

That's true, we shouldn't seek violence. You are not a fren though, so I won't be able to accept you as a true fren

You are not green

Henlo Mr Spurdo, nice to meet you, but you not even green! Go away nonfren!

Helo fren i believe this post is "iha vitun ebin make" as your people say and i would have to agree

sup spurdo

Ei vittu mage vittun ebin homma

u r undersergeat u dummy :DD taakse poistu

Sgt spurdo will you enlist in the helper army again to help in the war


But I am your ancestor :(