hello noble frens of frenworld i am non-fren motu of frendia and i need your help someone stole my samosas all i need is your moms credit card number the three digits on the back and the expiration date thank you namaste

1  2018-11-14 by SomeVidsHaHa


Fren will help! The number on front is 4349 7452 0426 3596 and three number back thinky is 524. My card will expire 5/26. Hope this helps, fren will help when in trouble


Someone fucking reported this lmao

Kys nonfren.

Removed for being a nonfren.

I am fren tho

The comment isn't frenly.

My big nubber is 3684 125 874 153 945 the numbr on tha back is 927 and the espiry dat is 2019 3/29 ps i think yuo spelled namataste wrong