Guyses A jornolist just took a pictur of u/ufoguy33 reciving moni from the non frens!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is not OK!!!!!

1  2018-11-13 by grisfrallan


This image is fabricated fren :( no way this is real...!

Frenposting isn't retardposting. Stop typing like a retard.

Leave my fren alone! He has artism!

I heard he has cheeseburgers syndrome

Spotted the non fren

Don't make me bop you, n-word.

(N-word means nonfren btw.)

What the fuck? You know nothing of the origin and history of this meme if you think that. Apu apustaja is retarded. Why did they allow you a mod position?

Dude, apuapustaja is a retarded pepe, you're a tard if you think apustaja is anything but a retard. I was spamming that shit on finnish imageboards before you fucking normies kek'd at pepes.

Apustaja's whole joke is that he is literally retarded. His name comes from the people who help and assist disabled people in their daily life. (bring them food etc)You are a disgrace of a mod.

t. literal retard

google help helper

Ufoguy did lots of good stuff too!

Fake News. Sad! This OP is a non fren

My god what is that disgusting creature on the left 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Boomerposting in frenworld?

It’s not even boomer posting it’s just become a part of me

Just like Sheila has become a part of the couch, right? Looking forward to the pig roast -Don