frens I came out as bi am I still fren?

1  2018-11-12 by Roscoes_Danksuit




yeah you fren

Change your ways

What do I do to be fren?

I will tell you. But first you need to tell me this: do you have a cat. What kinda cat u got. I have a fantasy of stealing a container ship from Liberia , retrofitting it with nuclear propulsion and just cruise the sea undercutting companies like Hanjin and engaging in active low level piracy in the South China Sea. Basically a privateer. I don’t care about money so much basically whoever I’m disrupting the most. The crew consists of disenfranchised South African boers, a few japs fed up with their day jobs and some Russian navy runaways accused of indecency in the Far East. Anyway I figure a ship that big has bound to have a rat problem since ports in Asia and India are dirty as a whores asshole so I’m going to have to get me some mousers. I fancy orange tabbies but any healthy cat will do. These cats will be made first mates so they will outrank the japs at least since I’ll never promote them because they work for rice and drink seawater. But my mousers are smart and deserve their rank. Every time we leave a port in South Asia all rats are gone within a week. Best mousers in the seven seas. I have this dream about every six weeks.

Kitty is still at mommy's house :(


You called?

I cry for your homeland fren.


Thanks, fren. I hope my homeland becomes frenly some day.

Time to pray the gay away fren

Do you think you’ll be bi at 80?

Ye I like pp

Lmao imma let you do you then if you are this positive. Certainty is scarce these days. Do you like pagina as much as pp though? Not saying it’ll make you less bi. I’m just curious

I like pagina more than pp but I can go for some good pp

Yes, as long as that doesn’t overtake your personality fren. We frens are equal


don touch me fren

I know a way to ensure you become a fren again.


No, nonfrens must have done something to you.

fren u need church :)

:D I am to fren. Iz no problemo, just stay away from the US vice President ⚡

Yes fren, just stay away from (((them))).

He has already fallen for their tricks. Weep for him. Weep at the ruination of our fren.

You sound like a nosefren, and nosefrens get a boppin.

Fren, I am begging you to watch this.

You are still a fren :)
