I hav haerd that some peeple called "The Comuneests" are trying to influnse this electon. To protec demokrasy i must take power over frenworld

1  2018-11-12 by grisfrallan


All hail our new fren fuhrer. We will bop for victory and drive out all non frens who encourage comunests. Ein volk, ein pillowfort, ein fren!

Cool cosplay fren :) you almost look like the original McArthur, is he also a fren?

Yes, McArthur is a big fren

Not after Kareea, fren

Bop the bonus army

If u tak powur bye forse u are no betr than the comuneests. Demokrasy will prevale in the end.

Demokrasy cant work with so many nonfrens

We must take frenraum.

I wil get helicoper, fren.

Free rides for non-frens!

It is the only way. Kill all communeests to protecc demokrasy.

Hello fren a military junta is not needed you can my defense secretary if you stap