Why have the nonfrens don this two us?!? I can take it anymoar!

1  2018-11-11 by nyelian



Fren, fren, brin your anger to non frens

We get you help

You valued

fren it's down the road not across the street

thanks fren gonna try this when i get home!

Noooooooo fren!!!!

Bye bye fren!!


True frens don’t post on rare puppers and talk in doggo retardo speak

/unfren I literally posted there once to shit on them and got banned because the mods saw my post and me posting in r/doggohate

ok but for doggo speak I’m mostly referring to OP

I'm subscribing to that one

/UF I’m new here why do we hate r/rarepuppers

Because it’s pure bug, talks like a retard and extremely effeminate.

They also defend pit bulls

Real frens don't promote suicide. We care

Fren don't!

Noooooooooo fren

fren u can call us we r fren, ok fren?

Fren. It is on dasy liek these wehn the nonfrens are at there wurst that we must stan proud adn fase owr opresers and let tehm no taht we are strogn. Owr frenship is mor pwoerful tahn they're hatred. Tehy shal nevur win, fren. Not as logn as we as frens do not let tehm win. Wil yuo rize up, fren? Or wil you vanish intwo the nihgt? Yuo hav al of Frenworld behind you, Fren. Our bond wil not bee broekn. We are storng. We are Fren World.

Frens dont let frens bop themselves

Fren you is kind, you is smart, you is important!

That's what they want. Get strong little Fren.

Fren do we can halp u

So long fren 😰

I used to self bop fren, it's very bad please try to get help. Save the bops for non-frens, much love.

thanks fren gonna try this when i get home!