Hey frens it was cold today and i could see my breath

1  2018-11-10 by Unjust28


An interesting phenomenon fren

Enjoy hot choccy after

Don’t kid yourself, fren. This place is an alt-right recruitment center.

Nosy no-fren obviously wants to start some shit.

On the contrary, I want to prevent radicalization.

non-fren detected. Prepare to be bopped

Thanks for the heads up, fren.

u just want people to fall for the nonfren lies

You sound like a non fren, fren

Bop the non fren

oh sorry fren i dint mean to steal post idea i dint se that wun bfore

Me to fren it looks like we are smoking

smoking is bad fren :(

I know. we aren't really smoking it just looks like it fren

But fren soon there will be snow to play in with other frens

Woah fren you have Ice breath!